The event will take place in the Bay of Pare Valmadrera in the southern portions of Lago di Como, a glacial lake basin, one of the most suitable areas of the lake for sailing regattas due to the presence of the winds of thermal origin and the “Breva Tivano” that alternates throughout the day (e.g. think of Lago di Garda but with a more moderate mountain lakes adiabatic wind pattern).
Amongst the leading Italian teams participating are renowned boats like Luca Macchiarini’s TALLY HO, Pietro Diamanti’s JAMAICA (recent J/24 circuit winner), Ignazio Bonanno’s LA SUPERBA (another recent J/24 circuit winner), Pierluigi Puthod’s SPLENDIDA and Fabio Mazzoni’s KONG GRIFONE.
There are several special “guest stars” participating from around the world, including three German teams, like Stefan Mais’s RUNNING MAN, Stefan Karsunke’s SULLBERG and Feuerherdt Tobias’s MS EUROPA 2. Another continental team showing up from Hungary is Mate Kakas’s ZULU. A friendly American team from Seattle’s Corinthian YC is also making a guest appearance- Keith Whittemore’s gangsters on FURIO. Watch this space, the Italians have strong teams but their “guests” make throw a monkey wrench into the top five standings overall! For more Italian J/24 Nationals sailing information
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