Answering the call to arms for this year’s event are J/109s in IRC Class, J/111s and two new J/88s in PHRF 1 and three J/29s and J/35 in PHRF 2. In fact, of the 24 boats sailing, 11 are J/Teams from across the Northeast.
We find Bill Sweetser’s J/109 RUSH and Hugh McLean’s J/109 SHEARWATER up against tough customers like Ken Colburn’s championship winning Swan 42 team- APPARITION (many former top J/105 sailors from Marblehead, MA). Another Swan 42 will be a factor in the running for the silver- Paul Zabetakis’s IMPETUOUS.
The PHRF 1 class is just about over-run with good J/crews. Doug Curtiss’s J/111 WICKED 2.0, a past winner of Block Island Race Week, will be hoping to return to the top of their class. Sedgwick Ward’s J/111 BRAVO is also aiming for the podium again. Certain to give these two boats headaches may be the twin new J/88s, Iris Vogel’s DEVIATION and David Betts’s INSTANT KARMA. Finally, John Forster’s J/92 SALTIRE will be working hard to keeping them all honest.
We see another trio of J/29s doing battle again for class bragging rights in PHRF 2 class. To be sure, it will be hard to knock-off perennial class champ- HUSTLER (sailed by John & Tony Esposito and Neil Caruso from Long Island Sound). Aleksandr Tichter’s J/29 AKULA and Dan Bullard’s J/29 MADCAP XI plan to sweep the podium with their HUSTLER friends. Meanwhile, Tom Sutton’s J/35 LEADING EDGE is, of course, planning to ambush the J/29s at the start, steal all their wind, and sail off over the horizon! For more Block Island Race Week sailing information
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