Paul Henderson- the "Pope" of sailing? Perhaps. A wise man, a very entertaining person to speak with, always has a thoughtful perspective or opinion and a damn good sailor to boot. Perhaps it was his Canadian childhood along the shores of a cold Lake Ontario in Toronto. Or, too much hockey and skating in sub-zero weather. A kindred spirit and friend of the "J/Family". Whatever it was, Paul always had his feet on the ground and simply loved the sport of sailing. A friend of the Editor's,
David McCreary who publishes Scuttlebutt Europe, had this to say about Paul and the book- "What's really fun about this book is that it reads as Paul speaks. Having spent countless hours in conversations with him, I can hear his voice telling me the stories as I peruse the book. Lots of stories I'd heard, but many I hadn't, and a good mix of the serious and the not very serious. This is a man in love with life, sport, and sailing, and it shows. This guy is not a blue blazered yacht snob. Far from it. He's a blue collar plumber from Toronto, albeit one who was very successful at his trade. And, for those who grumbled about his mannerisms when President of the ISAF.. well, most are now a bit wistful for those days, eh?" "The Pope of Sailing"- by Paul Franklin Henderson is now available on
Amazon.com and LULU.com.
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