July 25-30 - On display and demos at McMichael Yachts in Mamaroneck.
July 31 - Rod sails from Mamaroneck to Bay Head, NJ Yacht Club for the weekend.
August 1 & 2 - Regatta on the weekend.
August 3-4 - Rod demos at Bay Head, NJ including Tuesday night Race.
August 5 - Bay Head to Stonington via Mamaroneck, or via the South Shore of Long Island
Please contact J/Boats to join Rodney for the trips from Mamaroneck to Bay Head or Bay Head back to Stonington (or somewhere in between in LIS or the South shore of LIS).
For the NJ Tour, please contact Burt Geiges at Custom Offshore – 856-764-8181. The J/95 will race in the Squan Tri-Sail Regatta in Bay Head NJ on August 1st and 2nd. The boat will remain in Bay Head for the following Monday August 3rd and Tuesday August 4th for demo/test sails.
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