(Hamble, So'ton, England- July 13th)- This year's J/92 UK National Championships were based at the Royal Airforce Sailing Club on the Hamble River and racing was in the northern Solent.
The regatta started in the usual fashion with too many beers and a curry on the Friday night – crew house for the weekend was Compass Point – a great little B&B in the heart of Hamble Village. Mike, the landlord, really looks after the crews when they race in the area, so big hearty breakfasts each day served them well for a days racing.
It had been a great regatta with some great good-natured racing – everyone obeyed the rules, there were no protests and over half the fleet had podium finishes – and it was tight to the finish. The J/92 JIT, last year's victors, won the last day with 3 wins and a 6th but when combined with the previous day's results the J/92 NEILSON REDEYE took the overall Championship by just 2.5 points-- with JUST IN TIME in second and WHO'S TO KNOW taking the third overall slot but best in class for the J/92.
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