Racing in Port Phillip Bay from Melbourne is the J/111 JOUST. Sailed by Sandringham YC member Rod Warren and crew, they continue to gather pickle dishes and random silverware for their trophy cupboards. However, according to Mike, a crew on JOUST, apparently “Mum wishes we would win some pickling jars for our jam or, better yet, a bathtub beer-making kit for the crew!” He goes on to say that, “we just wanted to let you know that on the other side of the world, the weather is perfect for keelboat racing! Over 16 knots in a very shifty breeze here, but it’s warm, too! Rip off the foulies and come join us, there are two J/111's at Sandringham Yacht Club havin a rollickin’ good time and havin a go at each other!” Cheers, Mike Harrison
from J/News Articles
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