Netherlands & Slovenia Join Sailing Champions League

J/70s in European Champions Sailing League(Portoroz, Slovenia)- The national sailing league format is spreading further around the European Community of nations. With the Netherlands, another traditional nation joins the “Sailing Champions League Family”- “Eredivisie Zeilen“ is starting in 2015 with 18 clubs in two pilot events.  The Dutch sailing clubs are getting their own club competition according to the model of the national German sailing league “Deutsche Segel-Bundesliga”. It’s not anymore about the competition between individual sailors or teams, but about defending the club’s honor on a national and international level. The sailing league shall make the sailing sport more popular for a wider audience and strengthen the position of the sailing sport in the Netherlands.

The “Eredivisie Zeilen” is organized by the Dutch Association (Watersportverbond) and the sports marketing agency “Marvin & Miles”. The association is in close contact and permanent communication with the German founders. The agency Marvin & Miles is responsible for the organization, communication, partnerships and the marketing of the sailing competition.

J/70s sailing Netherlands Sailing LeagueFor the first year of the Dutch sailing league, two events are planned in October and November. They will be sailing on J/70 this year – just like in many other countries. 15 clubs already announced their participation and six further clubs have shown big interest; the league will consist of 18 clubs. The winner of the “Eredivisie Zeilen” will be able to call themselves the Dutch Champions!

Following Poland and Russia, Slovenia is the next country from Eastern Europe to join the expanding “Sailing Champions League Family“. The first two sailing events for the “Slovenian Sailing League” are planned for this summer.

The Sailing Club J/24 and the company CLEANPORT are preparing to organize and run the Slovenian Sailing League, a club sailing competition on a national level intended to be part of the SAILING Champions League.  At the moment, an effort is being made to evaluate the possibility of running two events during summer 2015 with a sufficient turnout of sailing clubs on an existing well-proven fleet of J/24 sailboats.  The Slovenian Sailing Federation will cooperate as a partner with the founders of this project in Slovenia at all regatta events of the Slovenian Sailing League.  For more Sailing Champions League sailing information

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