Plus, SFYC Elite Keelboat Regatta
(Belvedere, CA)- The beautiful San Francisco Yacht Club, situated on Belvedere Cove facing the famous Raccoon Straits inside of Angel Island, is hosting their annual Elite Keelboat Regatta and the J/24 Western Regional Championship from May 16 to 17. The racing takes place on the Berkeley Circle just off the Berkeley city waterfront. Infamous for raging currents, howling breezes and simply gigantic boat-crunching chop, the sailors will always find it a challenge to sail a consistent regatta on the notorious “circle”.

Founded in 1869, The San Francisco Yacht Club is the oldest club on the Pacific Coast. The original anchorage and clubhouse were located in San Francisco near Mission Rock, but inadequate depth of water and increasing industrial growth in the area resulted in a move to Sausalito. Later, increasing ferry traffic and congestion contributed to a decision to move again in 1926. One group, headed by Commodore Clifford Smith, felt that Belvedere Cove would be an ideal location. Another group felt that the Club should move back to San Francisco and lease land from the City on the Marina. One group stayed with the club at its current Belvedere site, those who opposed the move resigned and formed St. Francis Yacht Club!

Other than the classic Knarrs, the famous “woodies” that have graced the Bay for generations, the J/24s and J/70s are the biggest fleets in the regatta. As a Worlds Qualifier regatta, the J/24s have an excellent turnout of nearly a dozen boats. Visitors have come from all over California and the Pacific Coast. Headliner for the class should be Pat Toole’s Santa Barbara YC team on 3 BIG DOGS, past J/24 North American Champions. Not giving an inch will also be the top caliber team of TREMENDOUS SLOUCH from Corinthian YC in Seattle, WA led by Scott Milne. While these top contenders may have their evil eyes focused on each other, don’t count out Jasper Van Vliet’s EVIL OCTUPUS, Darren Cumming’s DOWNTOWN UPROAR, Valentin Lulevich’s SHUT UP & DRIVE nor Paul van Ravenswaay’s FERAL ROOSTER.
With an eight boat class consisting of SF Bay boats that have all sailed well and placed in one event or another, it’s a bit of a challenge handicapping the group. Nevertheless, amongst the leaders should be Chris Kostanecki’s JENNIFER, Peter Cameron’s PRIME NUMBER and Chris Anderson’s PERFECT WIFE. S
ailing photo credits- Chris Ray and
Sailing photo credits- Chris Ray and For
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