“Again, the Norddeutscher Regattaverein did a fabulous job hosting our training event on Alster Lake. It was a much different weekend than we had in the past training sessions. On Saturday we had very strong rains, 10 to 27 kt winds, extremely puff and shifty! Then, on Sunday we had beautiful sunny weather with 10-16 kt winds. For the second session the following weekend, we were lucky to have nice sunny weather both days with much lighter winds- everything in the 5-10 kts range.
All of the teams are looking very hot and they are ready for the first sailing league event on the 1st of May in Tutzing on the Starnberger See. The teams that trained with us in Hamburg included Flensburger Segelclub, Norddeutscher Regatta Verein, Segelkameradschaft „Wappen von Bremen, Kieler Yacht Club, Seglervereinigung Itzehoe, Wassersport Verein Hemelingen, and Blankeneser Segel Club. Hopefully their training will pay off in the first event!” Sailing photo credits- Sven Jürgensen For more Deutsche Segel-Bundesliga sailing information
from J/News Articles http://ift.tt/1DCmbw4
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