(Newport, RI)- Ken Read, President of North Sails Group, six-times J/24 World Champion amongst other notable sailing achievements (like Etchells 22 World Champion and being a brides-maid in the Volvo Ocean Race), gave the introductory talk for the forum that saw nearly 600 attendees from all segments of the marine industry and sailing world participate in a three-day series of seminars that discussed all aspects of how to "grow sailing" amongst a few dozen other amazingly important and timely topics that are confronting the sport of sailing today on a worldwide basis.

the YouTube US Sailing video of Ken’s “chat” about “how & why” he got into sailing, what it has meant for him, what the future of sailing may be all about, why he’s about to go sailing with Jim Clark on a new VPLP 100 ft canting keeler (Jim was co-founder of NETSCAPE Communications with Mark Andreassen and Eric Bina from the University of Illinois- Champaign-Urbana along with Tom Perkin’s colleague John Doer- a fellow partner at Kleiner-Perkins-Caulfied-Byer Venture Capital Group).
Learn more about why & what was so fascinating about Ken's presentation and why some gorgeous, talented, fun-loving sailors seen here with rock-star Ken were also in attendance
(Sharon Green of Ultimate Sailing.com fame and renown for her
Ultimate Sailing Calendar (in middle) is with her good friend (on right)
Betsy Crowfoot, a Contributing Editor to SAILING Magazine, Cruising World magazine, Latitude 38 magazine and SAIL magazine).
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