“Thought I would send in a note about my first adventure with our J/95. Having been a J/80 guy since late 1993 (sailing J/80 #52), I have had my eye on the J/95 for our winter sailing in southwest Florida for quite some time. The shallow draft with performance idea stuck in my mind so I finally purchased J/95 #18 STILL CRAZY from its original owner and have it here at our winter home in Punta Gorda, Florida.
We might be the first J/Boat to ever tie up at one of the shallow water cottage docks on Cabbage Key, a beautiful get away spot in southwest Florida purported to be where Jimmy Buffet penned “Cheeseburger in Paradise”. We are hoping to visit many more of these great shallow water places from Tampa Bay on down to Key West with our J/95. No need for anchoring and the dinghy ride in. With this boat we pull up to the docks along with the power boats!
We’re planning to race the boat in local and regional PHRF events and also do some weekend trips. We can’t wait!”
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