(Cowes, Isle of Wight, England)- The 120nm race to Guernsey produced some of the toughest conditions in this year's RORC Season's Points Championship so far.
In IRC 3 Class, J/Teams dominated, taking seven of the top 10 overall. Second in IRC 3 was Todd Wells with the J/109, JE VANTE, beating five other J/109s racing to Guernsey. Todd Wells sums up a tough race- "Well that is the sort of race when you ask; why do we do this stuff? From a light start of 15 knots, the weather forecast was as predicted and we knew what was coming. Two thirds of the way to the Casquets, we peeled to the heavy No. 3 and all was fine....Then we hit it. It wasn't so much the wind which was about 28 knots but those Atlantic rollers, some up to 4m, which tossed us mercilessly. Wet, bumpy and torrid for 25 miles against tide; that's when you re-evaluate why you sail offshore! So eventually after four hours or more, it ended. Bearing away to a reach, we spot J/109 Jarhead; a scalp to aim for. We hoisted the kite for the last 3 miles and in up to 25 knot gusts we took her, what a stunning result for Je Vante and I'd like to say how proud I am of you my crew! Thanks for that stunning result guys and thanks much more for enduring it."
Behind JE VANTE were the J/109 JARHEAD (Greg Nasmyth) in third, the J/109 JIBE (Robin Taunt) in fourth, the J/109 J-T'AIME (Chris Palmer) in fifth, the J/105 DIABLO-J (Nick Martin who also took second overall in IRC Double class) in sixth, the J/109 JAZZY JELLYFISH (Kevin Armstrong) in seventh and the J/105 MOSTLY HARMLESS (Tom Hayhoe) in ninth! Quite a show by these J sailors! Thanks for contribution from RORC press officer Louay Habib. Sailing photo credits- Rick Tomlinson For more RORC De Guingand Bowl Race sailing information
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