(Portland, Oregon)- It was a "Banner Year" for the 35th Edition of the Oregon Offshore Race. Twenty seven entries, the most in over a decade or two. The event has been a classic "feeder" taking enthusiastic offshore sailors from the friendly confines of Portland, Oregon up to the Seattle/ Victoria, BC region for some excellent sailing in the summers-- e.g. Vic-Maui, Seattle NOOD, Swiftsure Race and so forth.

Veterans of the race continue to demonstrate their knowledge of the capricious conditions that can confound the "newbies" who've not experienced the vagaries of storms, calms, whirlpools, massive eddies and currents and which shore to pick going down the Straits of Juan de Fuca!

Taking B Class honors was the J/105 FREE BOWL OF SOUP. She was 1st in Class and 5th overall sailed by the trio of Portland, OR co-owners Doug Schenk, Matt Davis and Eric Hopper. Congratulations to all, fantastic performance in this challenging race! For more Oregon Offshore sailing information
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