Perhaps one of the world's best kept secrets is Chester Race Week, held in Chester, Nova Scotia, just a stone's throw away from the bustling metropolis of Halifax. Chester Race Week (scheduled August 14-17, 2013) has been sailing since 1856 and in recent summers has had consistent entries of 130-150 yachts. The regatta is run on three different race courses within the confines of the waters of Mahone Bay, surrounded by beautiful pine-tree covered granite islands dotted throughout the bay. Sailing could not be more convenient, especially since the time to the race course (always a big consideration after a long evening out the night before with friends!) is usually 30 minutes maximum! Plus, Chester Race Week is ranked by SAILING WORLD as one of the TOP TEN events in North America! Not hard to see why, the Nova Scotians are fabulous hosts, making everyone feel at home and go out of their way to ensure everyone is having a good time. Perhaps it's their fishing heritage, but Nova Scotians certainly follow in the grand tradition of working hard in order to play hard! To that end, the J/70s and other J's sailing will have a J/Party, with bands every night of the week! Gosling's Rum and North Sails are sponsors and some guy named "Andreas" is both Entertainment Chief and Regatta PRO-- yes, that person is Sir Josenhans, one of the nicest, most affable guys you'll ever meet.
Andreas promises J sailors "postcard perfect sailing conditions", WSW winds 10-15 kts filling in the bay with a spritely 1-2 ft chop, lots of fun and no humidity. Four days of racing are planned with up to three races per day. He says getting there is really simple- just take I-95 north through Maine until it ends, then turn right to Halifax- about 11 hrs from Boston. For those wanting to make it real easy, there may be a flatbed truck (4 J/70’s per truck) service from RI available. Both hoist and ramp launching is available. For some logistics and regatta info, please contact Andreas at or Jim Snair at or ph# 866-590-9210. Sailing photo credits- Onne Vanderwal
For more Chester Race Week sailing info
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