(Monte Carlo, Monaco)- With nearly 1,000 sailors coming from all over Europe, representing some 15 nationalities, the Primo Cup- Trophee Credit Suisse organized by the Yacht Club de Monaco (YCM), is one of the most important winter events in Europe, marking the start of the international sailing season.

The regatta is sailed over two weekends in the beginning of February Feb 1-3 and Feb 8-10, with a primary focus on one-design sailing and youth sailing. For the first weekend, included amongst the classes are the European J/80 and J/24 fleets. Amongst the J/24s will be the Swedish entry from YCM and Marstrand SS- Marianne Schoke and Stu Jardine from the UK sailing SWE 330 JULIA! Also sailing are Alessandro Pedone from YCM sailing ITA 455 BEL COLP JESTER; longtime local sailor Dennis Frederiksen sailing MON 5452 PAGET for YCM and fellow club member Anne Rodelato sailing the famous MON 24 JOKER.
The second weekend marks
the introduction of the new J/70 Class for the Primo Cup, and also the first major J/70 one-design event in Europe. The YCM are thrilled to have the J/70 class sailing and it looks like over a dozen boats will be participating from across Europe- so far, teams are coming from Italy, The Netherlands, France, Germany, Switzerland, Monaco, England and Russia! Amongst the teams will be a top J/22 Worlds team (2nd in 2012 in France), Woulter Kollmann from the Royal Dutch Sailing Association from The Netherlands, they will be sailing HENRI LLOYD. Also participating are Pietro & Giovanni Saccomani from Diporto Velico Veneziano from Venice, Italy!

The Primo Cup attracts a lot of good sailors from across Europe to sail in the prestigious venue of Monaco. Not hard to imagine why, since Monte Carlo is one of the coolest places to sail on the Med, plus Monaco is tres'chic! The YCM has the support of the famous royal family- the Grimaldi's- a sailing family for generations. Monaco's Prince Rainier collected his bride Grace Kelly by yacht from the deck of the USS Constitution, the ship she had travelled aboard from America. And, it was on the same yacht, "Deo Juvante II", that he and the new Princess Grace spent their honeymoon cruising the Mediterranean. In other words, salt water and sailing were in their blood.

Prince Rainier founded YCM in 1953 with the aim of promoting yachting within the principality-- starting with the old Société des Régates. In 1984, his son
Prince Albert became its President (seen here at far right) and today the harbour is a seasonal focus of the international super yacht fleet. Although a social venue par excellence, racing will always occupy a major role in the club’s activities, the Primo Cup in February being the season’s opener. Youth and one-design sailing are a vital element of the club social life. Prince Rainier founded the YCM Sailing School in 1970 for young people- it now uses a fleet of Optimists, Lasers and Picos. The club also hosts fleets of one-designs, including the J/24's which saw Prince Albert sailing for nearly two dozen years! Perhaps the J/70s will be the next fleet for YCM's club activities!

One of the great attractions will be YCM's new clubhouse, designed along the lines of a super yacht! With its magnificent setting overlooking Port Hercule and the Med, it promises to be a superb showcase for Monaco, reinforcing its position as the Mediterranean's "capital of yachting". Designed by the world famous architect Lord Norman Foster, the new YCM building will contribute to the vitality of life in Monaco and the prestige of the Principality. It's an ambitious and symbolic project,
check out this YouTube video of the new Yacht Club de Monaco-- pretty amazing-- J/70s can easily sail in the pool! For
more YCM Regatta and sailing information For
more YCM Primo Cup sailing information
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