J/Boats @ Canadian Boat Shows

Toronto Boat Show- Jan 11-20
Pat Sturgeon from PSYachts in Toronto, Ontario will be hosting an enthusiastic group of sailors who are expressing tremendous interest in getting their J/70 fleet going on Lake Ontario-- in particular in Toronto at Royal Canadian YC and points east and west and in the lakes.  Pat's team will be available to chat about all things J/70 as well as how the J/111 and other boats are developing in the Great Lakes.  Please be sure to contact Pat Sturgeon at ph# 905-278-5100 or pats@patsturgeonyachts.com.

Vancouver Boat Show- Feb 7-11
On display will be J/70 #58, the first boat into the Pacific western parts in Canada in Vancouver, British Columbia.  Oh! Canada! Amazing to see Far Eastern Canada starting to grow with J/70s.  Even cooler to see the strong interest in J/70s in Way West Canada.  Those Canadian sailors predisposed to having fun and including all their friends in the festivities won't be disappointed.  While this is an indoor show, it won't be surprising to see this J/70 sailing in the warm, friendly waters of the Sound soon afterwards!  Be sure to contact Ian Fraser at ph# 604-734-3344 or ian@fraseryachtsales.com.

Halifax Boat Show- Feb 21-24
The Nova Scotians are nothing if not hardy sailors.  Renown for fishing offshore in "perfect storms" and bringing home the cod (not bacon!) to satisfy hungry appetites at home, their sailors are no different.  Witness the first J/111 video in cool fall conditions in 2010-- great video, eh??  Damn the torpedoes.  J/70 enthusiasm is stirring similar passion amongst the Halifax cognoscenti of all things different, cool, fun and fast!  Get a chance to see the J/70 and take her for an elegant spin amongst the whales, porpoise and icebergs as your first demo sail! Contact Jim Snair at ph# 902-275-2424 or syb@eastlink.ca.

Victoria Boat Show- Apr 18-21
For Western Canadians, if the February Vancouver show was a bit "chill", despite the warm, fuzzy, cottage-like atmosphere, then the Vic show will be a refreshing alternative.  With all snow melted on Blackcomb/ Whistler, with ski legs all in shape, now's the time to sport some shorts, toss some Molson Lites into the cooler and demand that J/70 #58 be taken out for demo sails from inside the main tent.  Of course, you can have that discussion with Ian Fraser at ph# 604-734-3344 or ian@fraseryachtsales.com.  Make arrangements with them soon!

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