"The ten J/27's battled it out for two days on Lake Ontario for the Championships. Boats came from Beverly Mass, Collingwood, Hamilton, Etobicoke, Buffalo and the local Oakville Fleet. Saturday, gave new meaning to the term battled. Winds started in the low teens and steadily increased throughout the day, and by the 4th race, were well into the low twenties with gusts approaching 30 kts. 10- 12 ft waves were crashing the foredeck.

Said the gang on CURVE AIR, "It was EPIC J/27 conditions on Saturday with 20-30kts breeze and waves. So far no-one has come forward with a better top speed of 14.3 Knots which we did under chute...we weren't as fast when we hoisted the chute sideways...but to be sure we did it a second time to confirm and after a bit of shrimping on the douse...decided to fly it as a flag to dry it out. Good Fun...everything is soak and everything still hurts.

There are GoPROs all over MESSING ABOUT so the on-board videos should be awesome...once I get the links to everything will certainly share...looking forward to them."
As for the crew on STARLET, here's what they had to say, "Thanks Andrew for all of your hard work in organizing this regatta. I have no doubt that it will continue to grow once word get back to other 27 owners about how much fun the weekend was! As for us on STARLET, we had a great time! We didn't really buy the boat with the intention of doing much racing aside some JAM club racing with the kids but this weekend might make us change our mind on that. Even though we were shorted handed after dropping off 2 seasick crew on Saturday, the downwind rides were a blast! Sunday was good, fun tight racing as well!"
The final results were the following: 1st place- NORTHERN SEITZ with 20 pts, 2nd was MESSING ABOUT with 21 pts, 3rd was CURVED AIR with 25 pts, 4th was STARLET with 31 pts and 5th was SHAZAM losing the tie-breaker with STARLET.
In conclusion, Dirk commented that, "Our target for 2013, is 15 or more boats. There are expressions of interest from 3-4 boats in addition to the 10 from this year. So lets make it happen. Oakville is a wonderful venue with downtown a 7 minute walk from the docks. The Oakville Jazz Festival was taking place on the same weekend, so the evenings had plenty of options for food, drink and entertainment. Thanks to Andrew Reim (Curved Air #59) and the Oakville Yacht Squadron for a hosting a great event."
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