"Hi J/Family- I'm writing this email to report on our Rolex Giraglia Cup Regatta we have just done on ARTIE ex J Lance a J 122. I think we sailed well and are happy with the boats performance. If you look at the results you will notice that we did not fair well on the leader board mainly because the organizers bunched up three groups made out of three Classes together due to the number of yachts taking part…..and in my opinion was not a fair deal as we were racing against GP 42s's and IRC 50/60 footers…..so in that sense we did not do as we had hoped. On the other hand and on the water we were the first forty footer to finish the two 'Long' offshore races…San Remo to St Tropez and the Giraglia.
The first long race was from San Remo (Italy) to St Tropez (France) around 45 miles. The start was at Midnight (my first time!) in 2 to 3 TWS and very lumpy seas. Once the gun went and with over 150 yachts in one mass start we positioned ourselves as clear of the main pack as was possible and had a brilliant start. In an hour we were leading the whole fleet in a very light beat taking every wind shift we could and kept leading the fleet till around 0500hrs in the morning when six fifty and sixty footers caught up with us and over took. We were the 7th boat to cross the finish line and scored a 6th overall. We didn’t win the race due to the fact that the wind died for us as we approached the finish line. The boat flies in these light conditions and is actually as fast as most 45 foot race boats at this point of sail.
Although we have raced this J 122 for two seasons including placing a 2nd and 1st in the last two Rolex Middle Sea Races, we never sailed her in winds above 35 knots for long periods. This year we had lots of wind and learnt a lot how to sail her in these conditions.
The long Giraglia race (241 miles) started in 35 knots true with a beat up to a rock (twenty miles) with a max wind speed of 41.4 knots at one point. We had one Reef in the Main and the no4 Headsail and faired very well reaching the mark with 45/50 foot yachts. Once we rounded the rock we hoisted the A5 in 35/40 TWS. This was the first time we ever had these conditions and with four meter waves we quickly started surfing…..reaching a top speed of 19.8 knots at one point…..our average was between 13 and 16 knots SOG…. eating up the miles very fast. We did this for around four hours when the wind started to gust over forty……and were over canvased ….ending up in a momentous broach which we couldn't recover from…so pulled the chute down and hoisted our new JT…..we also shook out the Reef in the Main and shot off…..in more control and topped out at 21.6 knots on a wave….not bad for a forty footer with a whole interior of furnishings to cart around! We witnessed two yachts loose their mast and a total of eight yachts lost masts on this downwind leg. As we approached the Giraglia rock next morning the wind died to around 5 knots TWS and ended up doing the last 80 miles gybing downwind all the way to the finish, were we overtook a number of larger boats…..Final result 32nd overall in a fleet of 180 yachts. All the boats that beat us were much larger and more racy!
I am pleased with how the boat performed in strong winds and now know that the J 122 is not only a light weather wizard but rather a great all round performer. Best, Christian"
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