San Diego Sunroad Boat Show- from Jan 26-29, the southern California J/Dealer JK3 Yachts will be showcasing an exciting lineup of new boats at the upcoming San Diego Boat Show. Come by the show to see the J/95 and for info on the new J/70 – the latest hotrod from J/Boats. Please note, JK3 is hosting a reception on Sunday for J/Boat Owners, Fans and Friends as well. For more info contact JK3 at ph- 619-224-6200, email- jeff@jk3yachts.com or http://www.jk3yachts.com. For more Sunroad Boatshow information
Strictly Sail Chicago- from Jan 26-29 at Navy Pier- the J/111 on display is an example of the boat that dominated the two Mackinac Races this past year in 2011. Also, please visit J/105 Fleet 5- Lake Michigan at Booth #204E where J/105 fleet members will be happy to discuss with you the virtues of low-key, fun J/105 class participation. Please be sure to contact Richard Stearns at Stearns Boating- ph-312-994-9153 or email- rich@stearnsboating.com For more Chicago Strictly Sailboat Show information
Gothenburg Boatshow- from Feb 4-12- to be sure the J/108 will be displayed very comfortably indoors at the Gothenburg Show in Sweden! Come on in and enjoy classic Swedish hospitality in the most enjoyable surroundings one might possibly imagine- with healthy Swedish hostesses addressing any of the craziest questions one might ask as it relates to DSPL/L, BMax/ BWL, Sprit Extension/ SPL Midgirths and Prismatic Coefficients/ High VCG ratios. Please be sure to arrange for a personal tour with Henning Mittlesman- ph- 49-4642 2722/ info@mittelmannswerft.de/ www.JBoats.de For more Gothenburg Boatshow information
Boston/ New England Boatshow- from Feb 11-19 - on display comfortably in-doors in a wonderfully warm ambiance will be the Hill & Lowden display that will be showcasing the J/111. Please be sure to come by, convince them to give you a "lobster roll & beer"- contact Rich Hill and George Lowden at ph- 781-631-3313 or hilllowden@aol.com For more Boston Boat Show information
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