(Paris, France)- The prize of "IRC Boat of the Year" in France is awarded to the builder of a series production boat that has distinguished itself in international IRC competitions throughout Europe. It is presented annually during the "Evening of Ocean Racing" held in conjunction with the Salon Nautique de Paris (Paris Boatshow). This year's winner is the J/97, designed by J-Boats/ Alan Johnstone and built by JB Composites in their shipyard in Les Sables d'Olonne.
The jury presiding over the election of the IRC boat of the year was made up of four elected members of the UNCL: its President, Marc de Saint Denis; Edouard Baetz its general secretary; Jean Michel Carpentier (Racing Commission); and Jean Claude Merlivat ( Commission IRC). They were assisted by four prominent yachting journalists: Olivier Le Carré (BATEAUX), Pierre-Marie Bourguinat (VOILES & VOILIER), Bernard Rubinstein (VOILE Magazine) and Patrice Carpentier (SEAHORSE INTERNATIONAL Racing).
The selection criteria were: 1) sailing results in France and in Europe; 2) the boat-handling and sailing qualities; 3) the ability to both race and cruise; 4) oveall aesthetics; 5) a minimum of 10 boats built in the last year; and 6) have sailed at least 5 races in the IRC in the past year.
The boats selected by the UNCL were an impressive line-up of many winners in IRC events this past year in European waters. The competitive sailboats included: Elan 350, Beneteau First 30, Beneteau First 40, Grand Soleil 43 B&C, J/97, Jeanneau Sun Fast 1010 and Jeanneau Sun Fast 3200.
A top three was reached during the first round of selection: Elan 350, J/97 and Jeanneau Sun Fast 1010. After a thorough comparison of all the information, the Jury's final selection was the J/97.
As a versatile cruising boat with a racing pedigree that is so dear to the IRC, the J/97, with 45 boats built to date, is a boat that is well-designed and well-built, benefiting from the professionalism and experience of JB Composites. Whether sailing nationally (France) or internationally, the winning record of the J/97 is eloquent and prophetic:
- In France: the J/97 was the winner of the Trophy Atlantic UNCL IRC 4 with victories in Spi Ouest France-Intermarché and Crouesty Grand Prix, and a second place in Brest and the Course of Three Islands. A remarkable record considering the extremely tough competition from other factory teams.
- International: the J/97 was the winner of 2010 Cowes Week in IRC Class and won the "Garmin Hamble Winter Series 2011" by a huge margin in IRC 3 Class against stiff competition from other top teams.
Didier LeMoal, CEO of JB Composites commented, "A big thank you to members of the UNCL IRC Jury for this award. The J/97 ultimately demonstrated its pedigree and potential performance in 2011 with several strong campaigns in France and England. At JB Composites, the best way to demonstrate legendary J performance is to race them against world-class competition. This helps customers better understand the performance of boats like the J/97 and optimize them at all levels of sailing."
The prize of "IRC Boat of the Year" will be awarded to Didier LeMoal, CEO of JB Composites at the Evening of Ocean Racing, the annual awards banquet of UNCL that will be held this year at the Ecole Militaire, Paris VII, Saturday, Dec. 10.
JB Composites invites you to join them Friday, December 2 at 20:00 at the "JB Composites" display at the Paris Boat Show to celebrate this award for the J/97 (Hall 1 Stand D60). For more Salon Nautique Paris information, please visit: http://www.salonnautiqueparis.com/GB.htm
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