(Glasgow, Scotland)- The report from the northern parts of the UK are encouraging. Seems that distant Scottish relatives of the Johnstone clan are doing well, despite not wearing their lucky "kilts" during their races offshore in the cool weather. Nevertheless, J/97 UK Class Chair, Jim Dick and his crew on the J/97 JACKAROO just won their class and the overall prize at the Kip Regatta in Glasgow. Jim was sailing with Pete Cameron who runs Key Yachting Scotland in Kip Marina. This was the warm-up event for the crew in advance of the much larger Bell Lawrie Scottish Series which takes place over the next Bank Holiday weekend. Pete's report follows:
Day two race one weather 20-25 knots SW and raining on biblical proportions (proper Ark weather Noah could have competed for this one). Good start from the Captain out to left of course from pin end first tack 10 boat lengths ahead of A31 and pulling out further every minute. The A31 then ducks out of the regatta. Held lead for rest of race over water and another solid first. Just one more race for this day! Last race SW 22-27 knots and I can’t use the language required to express the rain in front of a Lady like yourself--- even the fish had umbrellas!!
Had what we thought was a good start again to the side of the course fleet split and we pushed our bow out front on the left side fleet sadly the gain was to the right side of the course out in the wind and tide at weather mark a Sigma 38 ‘Enigma’ an Elan 333 ‘hoo haa’ and ‘Jaywalker’ were 10 boat lengths ahead of us picked off the Elan by bottom mark and closed the gap on Jaywalker and Sigma 38. Captain not so happy though on the next beat we pulled gap back to a matter of a boat length on Jaywalker just nailing him at the tack onto weather mark. Captain got the red mist now big a sail on last downwind plenty of double figure surfing a very neat dual with Sigma 38 and we took an overlap into bottom mark rounded first onto last beat and pulled our time out on the leg to the finish first over water and first on time. For the prize giving, first in class and first overall discarding a first. All in all a good weekend at the coal face. Regards- Peter" For more J/97 sailboat information.
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