(Brassermeer Sea, The Netherlands)- The start of the J/22s in the 2011 season has traditionally been the "Warm Up" on the "big sea" (actually a lake). In addition, the regatta is one of the first in the German standings, so most teams that want to be competitive for the season participate in the event, over twenty-one teams showed up for this year's event.
As one competitor remarked after the first day of racing, "at a dinner in the clubhouse, we sit together with the four German teams, "talk shop" and end the day. Of the Dutch teams, only the "GILL RACING TEAM" and part of the Regatta Committee is there. Most of the Dutch seem to operate in sailing like we go to the gym: Go there - Sports - have a beer or coffee and then go home!" Too funny.
Sunday morning was even flatter than the day before. After what seemed an eternity, the fleet finally gets in three races. SIKA TEAM with Ronald, Robert and Joost took all the loot. All in all it was a beautiful weekend and the struggle for the season series champion is very much open and up for grabs. For more J/22 Netherlands sailing information.
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