Having discussed this regatta for some time with my good friend and world-class sailing Photographer, Tim Wilkes of Rochester, NY, together we put a team together that consisted of Brian Simkins of Long Island, NY, Michael Dannecker of Denver, CO and Greg Schertz of Denver, CO. Interestingly enough, all five team members are great drivers in their own right.
Despite our attempts to get a practice regatta in a month prior to the regatta, knee surgery for Brian Simkins kept him on crutches until just a week before the regatta. It's also cementing his role as driver for the week as we had originally planned to co-helm the regatta. It's a decision that paid off immediately as everyone on the crew really focused on their role for the week. Even our practice day before the regatta was blown out due to winds in excess of 40 knots. We dedicated a few hours the evening before the regatta to verbally review roles and team work process verbally before heading out to the course on the first day of the regatta without ever taking a single tack together as a team.
I've never been a part of such an unselfish team before. The entire week was full of great communication, clear lines of decision-making, proactive crew work, and great fun. As our victory was such a great team effort, we've decided to participate in this interview as a team as well." Read more about their team's sailing experience here.
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