The Account And Epilogue From Tony Brogan

(Vancouver, BC)- As one sailor recalled after getting into Nanaimo Harbour, "an ambulance pulled onto the Government Dock to pick up some of the crew of Clint Curries' 30 footer INCISOR, which had sunk. Tony Brogan's J-30 RADIANT HEAT had retired and was motoring to Nanaimo and saw what looked like a rig standing up in the water with no boat attached. They went to investigate and found Clint and his 5 crew mates hanging onto the overturned hull. All were hypothermic by then and Clint was unresponsive when they got him aboard and one other guy aboard. The other four were pulled from the water by the Coast Guard after they arrived on location. Life is sometimes just a thread and if RADIANT HEAT hadn't been damaged when and where it was and been lucky enough to have seen an anomaly and smart enough to go to investigate this could very easily have been a different story. The water is stinking cold, the seas were rough and breaking and the crew of INCISOR didn't have a radio or flares available. Fortunately, all recovered in hospital and went home."  See this third party account of the Southern Straits Race at SA.

However, for the real "insider's view" of what took place, please read Tony's own account that was first posted on the J/30 Class Association website/ blog.  

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