Come on down and experience what the early reviews have been raving about-- tremendous performance with a "big boat feel", big comfy daysailing cockpit and amazing boat-handling- you can turn the boat on a dime heeled over at 20 degrees!
J/95 #1 arrived in Sarasota, Florida and CrossCurrent Marine is busy with demo sails and open houses. J/95 #2 is launching May 10th in Barrington, RI and will spend the rest of May in Stonington, CT. Meet J/Boats' famous designer Rod Johnstone for demo sails-- then, relax afterwards at Clay Burkhalter's renowned watering hole, The DogWatch Cafe, for a refreshment or two. We encourage you to contact us to arrange a demo in Sarasota, FL or Stonington, CT and a factory visit to Bristol.
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